People, Locations, Episodes

Fri, 08.05.1763

William Richmond, Boxing Pioneer born

William Richmond

*William Richmond was born on this date in 1763. He was a Black boxer.

From (Cuckold's Town) near Richmond, VA, he moved to Staten Island, New York.  Richmond worked as a shipyard laborer and was noticed by a British commander, Hugh Percy, on the docks fighting with a dock sailor.  He became a free Black and the first black professional boxer in America.   Percy convinced Richmond's parents to let him travel to England, where he could establish a better life. Richmond became a cabinetmaker and took up boxing for self-defense.

Known as "Black Terror," Richmond knocked out his first Englishmen in just 25 seconds.  By 1800, Richmond had become a recognized semi-professional boxer.  After enough wins, he was booked to fight the English champion, Tom Cribb. The Richmond/Cribb fight brought in thousands of English fans, including Royalty.  The hype of the October 8, 1805 fight was immediately publicized as Cribb and Richmond (The Black).  Richmond was 41 at the time, lost his fight to Cribb, and "the crowd was pleased that a Black man had been put in his place."

Richmond continued boxing until he was 52.  William Richmond died on Dec. 28, 1829.

To become a Professional Athlete


All That's

Boxing Album: An Illustrated History
by Peter Brooke Bell
Smithmark Publisher, 1995
ISBN 0831748109

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As I talk with learned people, I have heard a strange remark, Quite beyond my comprehension, And I'm stumbling in the dark. They advise: Don't be too modest, Whatsoever thing is said, Give to... A SPADE IS JUST A SPADE by Walter Everette Hawkins.
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