OU students protesting Frat song
*On this date in 2015, white-American student members of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity from the University of Oklahoma were caught performing a racist chant against African Americans.
A video surfaced of these members of the school's Sigma Alpha Epsilon organization on a bus singing racist lyrics about their fraternity.
The following day the national headquarters for Sigma Alpha Epsilon said it was closing its chapter at the University of Oklahoma. The nine-second video, uploaded by an anonymous user on YouTube, shows a group of college students in formal attire clapping. At the same time, they sing racist lyrics to the tune of “If You’re Happy And You Know It” during a date function. The lyrics, as heard in the video, are:
“There will never be a n***** in SAE
There will never be a n***** in SAE
You can hang him from a tree, but he can never sign with me
There will never be a n***** in SAE.”
SAE’s national office called the video “inappropriate” and said it was “disgusted” by its member’s behavior. “In addition, all of the members were suspended, and those members responsible for the incident may have their membership privileges revoked permanently,” the national SAE office said in its statement. Before SAE’s announcement, University of Oklahoma President David Boren said if they determine it is, in fact, their chapter of SAE, the fraternity would be removed from campus.