People, Locations, Episodes

Sun, 03.09.1958

Underwater Adventure Seekers (USA) is Founded

*This date celebrates the 1958 founding of Underwater Adventure Seekers (UAS), the oldest Black scuba diving club in the world.

Located in Washington, D.C., UAS has trained thousands of individuals to scuba dive during its history.  Their dive travel experiences have taken them from Australia to Africa, the Caribbean, most of the Bahamas, and Central America. Although it is not commonly known, African Americans have been involved in recreational scuba diving since its introduction to the United States over 50 years ago.

As early as the 1950s, Black dive clubs existed in Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, Chicago, and Philadelphia. Many of these clubs were started by military veterans who wanted to continue to pursue the scuba skills they had learned in the service.

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Sipping the new tea his wrinkled face absorbs steam… the smell of roses Summer evening sun; a row of tombs-their shadows reaching the ditchbank a black woman breastfeeding her infant- the autumn... HAIKU by Lenard D. Moore
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