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Thu, 10.15.192515

Thomas Stropshire, Businessman born

Thomas Stropshire

*Thomas Shropshire was born on this date in 1925.  He was a Black businessman and administrator. 

From Little Rock, Arkansas, Thomas B. Shropshire attended Little Rock's Dunbar High School and later earned his B.S. Degree from Lincoln University, Missouri, in 1950.  He did his graduate work at the New York University School of Business Administration. 

He achieved national acclaim as a consultant to Philip Morris Companies, Inc. and its subsidiaries in marketing and community affairs.   In 1985 he was an assistant to the president, senior vice president, treasurer, and board member of Miller Brewing Company and vice president of Philip Morris, Inc.  Shropshire joined Philip Morris in 1952 as a sales representative covering first Brooklyn, then Chicago, then most of the continent of Africa with increasing responsibility for sales, distribution, the training of personnel and the creation of advertising and other marketing programs.

In 1968, Shropshire was named managing director of Philip Morris Nigeria. Following its acquisition by Philip Morris in 1970, Shropshire was named vice president of Miller and had responsibility for sales and distribution, marketing, strategic planning, and business development. Among his many accomplishments was the development of "Lite Beer" and "Miller Genuine Draft," making Miller the world's second largest brewer.

Shropshire also managed Miller's sponsorships of the National Baseball Association, National Basketball Association, NASCAR, USAC, and other sports organizations. For his leadership and exemplary public service, he received numerous awards and recognition, including honorary doctorates from five colleges and universities, the Alpha Phi Alpha Distinguished Service Award, B'nai B'rith Human Rights Award, Lincoln University Distinguished Alumnus Award, and the NAACP Freedom Award for Business.

His board seats have included the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies Board of Governors, the boards of trustees of Howard and Talladega Universities, the Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation, and the National Urban League.  Shropshire also served as the Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity's Grand Sire Archon and was a Percy Julian Fellow.  Thomas B. Shropshire died peacefully at his home in Las Vegas on August 14, 2003, at 77.  

To become a Market Research Analyst


The Business Journal (Milwaukee), September 5, 2003.,
Jet, Sept 8, 2003, Journal Sentinel (Milwaukee), August 16, 2003.,
Milwaukee Courier, August 22, 2003.,
The Prince George's Post (Marlboro, MD), August 28/September 3, 2003.,
The Sun Reporter, February 16, 1994.

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