People, Locations, Episodes

Fri, 08.02.1968

The National Conference of Black Lawyers is Formed

*This date in 1968 affirms the beginning of the National Conference of Black Lawyers (NCBL).  They are an African American association originally formed to offer legal assistance to black civil rights activists; it comprises judges, law students, lawyers, legal activists, legal workers, and scholars.  

That founding year, young people of African descent in America were growing impatient with the slow pace of social change.  Noted clients included Angela DavisAssata Shakur, the Attica BrothersGeronimo Pratt, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Ben Chavis, and the Wilmington Ten. The organization lobbied against apartheid in South Africa.  

They expanded from African American oppression to help other groups in countries like Northern Ireland, the Palestinian territories, Cuba, Nicaragua, Guyana, Grenada, and Southern Africa.  The group's mission is: "To protect human rights, to achieve self-determination of Africa and African Communities and to work in coalition to assist in ending oppression of all peoples." 

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The sale began-young girls were there, Defenseless in their wretchedness, Whose stifled sobs of deep despair Revealed their anguish and distress. And Mothers stood with streaming eyes, And saw their dearest children... THE SLAVE AUCTION by Frances E. W. Harper.
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