People, Locations, Episodes

Tue, 06.22.1954

The Japanese Black Studies Association is Founded

*The Japanese Black Studies Association (JBSA) began on this date in 1954. It is a society founded under the "Black Research Society."  

Nukina Yoshitaka, a scholar in American literature, was one of the group’s founders.   He wrote that he was motivated to create the Black Studies Association because he believed the Japanese under the United States military control had a commonality with African Americans, as both groups had their nationalistic/racial pride stripped by American capitalism and imperialism.   

Since its founding, it has continued steady activities for over 60 years, holding monthly meetings and annual national conventions targeting Black (African) culture and history, publishing journals and newsletters, and enlightening society.  During that time, the association edited several books and translations. In June 2004, the "50th Anniversary International Convention" was held.  In recent years, international exchange activities have become active.

In June 2008, the Hiroshima Convention was held under the theme of "Black Studies and Peace," In June 2009, the Kyoto Convention was held under the theme of "Thinking about the Background and Significance of the Birth of the New President of the United States." Held the 60th Anniversary Convention in Kyoto and invited representative researchers in the field from inside and outside the country to give a keynote speech. Since then, the annual conference has been actively engaged in academic activities by inviting members and prominent speakers from inside and outside the country. Currently, the Society comprises researchers, faculty members, graduate students, undergraduate students, and the general public living in Hokkaido and Okinawa, as well as overseas.

JBHA is active in various regions, such as Africa, the United States, the Caribbean, Europe, and Japan. We hold regular meetings and national conventions (June) and publish the journal "Black Studies" (once a year) and newsletter (twice a year). The "Black Research Society" was renamed "Black Research Society" on June 26, 2016, and took a new step.  Toru Kiuchi is the current president of the Japan Black Studies Association.  On June 18, 2020, he issued a letter to JBSA members addressing the killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. 


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