People, Locations, Episodes

Wed, 03.09.1892

A Lynching in Memphis, Tennessee Occurs

*On this date in 1892, three Black businessmen were lynched in Memphis.

Following this incident, Black journalist Ida B. Wells wrote an article condemning the lynchers. As a result, a white mob destroyed her office and printing press. The mob had intended to lynch her, but she was visiting Philadelphia at the time.


Memphis Daily

Black First:
2,000 years of extraordinary achievement
by Jessie Carney Smith
Copyright 1994 Visible Ink Press, Detroit, MI
ISBN 0-8103-9490-1

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Sipping the new tea his wrinkled face absorbs steam… the smell of roses Summer evening sun; a row of tombs-their shadows reaching the ditchbank a black woman breastfeeding her infant- the autumn... HAIKU by Lenard D. Moore
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