People, Locations, Episodes

Mon, 04.17.1871

Estelle Ricketts, Composer born

Estelle Ricketts (publication)

*This date in 1871 celebrates the birth of Estelle Ricketts, a Black composer who lived in Darby, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia. She lived with her mother, her younger brother, and her father, who operated a boarding stable. She was the only one in her family who could read and write.          


Estelle Ricketts's 1893 parlor piano piece, 'Rippling Spring Waltz,' is the earliest known piano solo written by a Black woman. Rickets' piece is in the book The Work of the Afro-American Woman, written by Gertrude Bustill Mossell. This book, published in 1908, highlights the achievements of African American women in all different disciplines.

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In Cuba a dark skin woman ask me if I’m from Angola I try to explain in the no Spanish I know that I am American she finds... SPANISH CONVERSATION by E. Ethelbert Miller.
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