People, Locations, Episodes

Thu, 06.23.1938

Charles McDew, Activist and Educator born

Charles McDew

*Chuck McDew was born on this date in 1938. He was a Black educator and activist.

From Massillon, Ohio, Charles McDew's father, James, had taught chemistry in South Carolina, but as a Black, was unable to get a job in the Ohio schools; he went to work in the steel mills.  His mother, the former Eva Stephens, was a nurse.  He led his first demonstration in the eighth grade to protest violations of the religious freedom of Amish students in his hometown.

As a South Carolina State College student, he became involved in the American civil rights movement. This included a campaign against segregated lunch counters in Orangeburg, South Carolina, in 1960.  Stopped by a police officer, Mr. McDew failed to show proper deference (he neglected to say “sir,” he said) and was struck by the officer.  McDew hit him back, and a fight ensued. He wound up in jail with a broken arm and jaw.  Taking a train back to college, he was arrested again after refusing to sit in a baggage car designated for Blacks.

McDew converted to Judaism after being denied admission to a white Christian church in the South in the 1960s.  He participated in the founding of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) in 1960. Described by fellow SNCC activist Bob Moses as a “black by birth, a Jew by choice and a revolutionary by necessity,”   McDew has devoted his life to issues of social and political change, to the empowerment and development of local Black leadership, to civil and human rights, and the fight against racism. Influenced by Rabbi Hillel’s dictum, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am only for myself, what am I? And If Not Now, =When?,”

McDew was elected as Chairman of SNCC in 1961 and served until 1964.  Since then, McDew was active in organizations for social and political change, working as a teacher and labor organizer, managing anti-poverty programs in Washington, D.C., and serving as a community organizer and catalyst for change in Boston, San Francisco, and other communities.

He appeared on radio and television programs as a speaker against racism. He was involved in programs for social and political change designed to develop local leadership and break down racial and cultural barriers.  As an Educator, McDew retired from Metropolitan State University, Minneapolis, MN, where his classes in the history of the American Civil Rights, African American history, and social and cultural awareness have been oversubscribed since 1981.

Charles 'Chuck' McDew died in West Newton, Mass, on April 3, 2018.  He was 79.  His daughter, Eva Goodman, said the cause was a heart attack he had while visiting his longtime partner, Beryl Gilfix, for the Passover holiday.  McDew lived in St. Paul, Minnesota.

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