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Thu, 01.25.190625

Amy Barbour-James, British Activist born

Amy Barbour-James

*Amy Barbour-James was born on January 25, 1906. She was a Black British-born Guyanese civil rights activist and civil servant. Caroline Amy Aileen Barbour-James was born in Acton, London, to Guyanese parents, John and Caroline Barbour-James, one of their eight children. They were a middle-class family.

Her father, John Barbour-James, was an administrator in West Africa and had access to a large network of contacts throughout the continent. In 1918, he founded the African Patriotic Intelligence Bureau. Inspired by her father, Barbour-James became active in the British civil rights movement.

She was involved in the African Progress Union and the League of Coloured Peoples, becoming secretary of the latter organization in 1942. In 2011, BBC Radio 4 broadcast a short drama based on Barbour-James's life. Amy Barbour-James died on May 4, 1988, at the age of 82.

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