People, Locations, Episodes

Tue, 06.21.1921

Clarence Beavers, Military Officer born

*Clarence Beavers was born on this date in 1921.  He was a Black United States Army sergeant and paratrooper.   Clarence Hylan Beavers was born in Harlem, New York, and was the 15th of 16 children to parents who fled the South before he was born to escape racism. His maternal grandfather was an escaped slave who served in the Union […]

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Mon, 08.01.1921

George E. Carter, Lawyer and Judge born

This date in 1921 marks the birth of George E. Carter, retired Black Canadian judge and lawyer.

Carter is the first native-born, black judge in Canada. He was born in Toronto, Canada, he is the first of 14 children of John Carter and Louise Braithwaite Carter, who were from Barbados. He and all of his brothers and sisters were taught the value of education and achievement by their parents.

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Wed, 08.03.1921

Matthew J. Perry, Lawyer born

*Matthew J. Perry Jr. was born on this date in 1921. He was a Black attorney and judge. Born in Columbia, South Carolina, Matthew James Perry Jr. attended local segregated schools and started studying business. During World War II in the United States Army, he served from 1943 to 1946. He finished college after the […]

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Wed, 09.14.1921

Constance Baker Motley, Lawyer, Judge, and Activist born

*On this date in 1921, Constance Baker Motley was born. She was an African American lawyer, judge, and politician.

From New haven, Connecticut she is one of nine children to a family who had migrated to America from the Caribbean island of Nevis. While attending school, she was active in the New Haven Youth Council, and the New Haven Adult Community council. Motley attended Fisk University, transferring to New York University-graduating in 1943 with a degree in economics. She attained her law degree from Columbia University in 1946.

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Tue, 09.27.1921

John Patterson, Southern Politician born

*John Patterson was born on this date in 1921.  He was a white-American politician and lawyer.   John Malcolm Patterson was born in Goldville in Tallapoosa County in east-central Alabama. His father was attorney Albert Patterson. He joined the United States Army in 1939 and served in the North African, Sicilian, Italian, Southern France, and German campaigns of World War II. In 1945, he left the Army as a […]

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Sat, 01.21.1922

Lincoln Alexander, Canadian Politician born

*Lincoln M. Alexander was born on this date in 1922.  He was a Black Canadian lawyer and politician.  Lincoln MacCauley Alexander was born in a row house on Draper Street near Front Street and Spadina Avenue in Toronto, Ontario. He was the eldest son of Mae Rose (née Royale), who emigrated from Jamaica, and Lincoln MacCauley […]

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Thu, 01.26.1922

The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill is Introduced

*On this date in 1922, the Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill was introduced.   First introduced in 1918 by Representative Leonidas C. Dyer, a Republican from St. Louis, Missouri, in the United States House of Representatives as H.R. 11279. It was intended to establish lynching as a federal crime. The Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill was re-introduced in subsequent sessions of Congress and passed by the U.S. House of Representatives. Still, […]

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Sat, 02.04.1922

Herman Holloway Sr., Delaware Politician born

*On this date in 1922, Herman M. Holloway, Sr. was born. He was an African American politician and community activist.

The son of William and Hennie Holloway, young Holloway grew up in Wilmington attending parochial and public schools. As an athlete, he excelled in basketball and football at the all Black Howard High School, the only Black secondary school in Delaware at the time. Following graduation from high school, he attended Hampton Institute for one year.

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Thu, 03.09.1922

Rosco Brown, Tuskegee Airman born

*Rosco Brown was born on this date in 1922. He was an African American educator and military hero in WW II.

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Sun, 03.19.1922

Willie S. Glanton, Politician born

*Willie S. Glanton was born on this date in 1922. She was a Black lawyer and politician. Willie Stevenson was born in Hot Springs, Arkansas, and was the daughter of Ervin S. Stevenson and Willie Ever Parker. She graduated from Tennessee State University and Robert Terrell Law School in Washington, D.C., and was admitted to the Iowa […]

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Thu, 04.13.1922

Julius Nyerere, Politician born

On this date, we observe the birth of Julius Kambarage Nyerere in 1922. He was the first president of Tanzania in 1964.

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Sat, 04.15.1922

Harold Washington, Politician born

This date marks the birth of Harold Washington in 1922. He was an African American politician, the first Black mayor of Chicago.

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Fri, 04.28.1922

Jewel Stradford, Lawyer born

*Jewel Stradford was born on this date in 1922. She was an African American politician and lawyer.

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Sat, 04.29.1922

Parren Mitchell, Baltimore Politician born

*Parren Mitchell was born on this date in 1922.  He was a Black politician and activist. Parren James Mitchell was born in Baltimore, Maryland. His father, Clarence M. Mitchell, Sr., was a waiter, and his mother, Elsie Davis Mitchell, was a homemaker. Mitchell graduated from Frederick Douglass Senior High School in Baltimore in 1940. Mitchell served as an officer in the 92nd […]

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Sat, 05.06.1922

Gloria St. Clair Hayes Richardson, Activist born

*Gloria St. Clair Hayes Richardson was born on this date in 1922. She was a Black administrator, politician, and activist. Gloria St. Clair Hayes, the only child of John Edwards Hayes and Madel Pauline (St. Clair) Hayes, was from Baltimore, Maryland. Her grandfather, H. Maynadier St. Clair, was a city council member in Cambridge from […]

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Sex fingers toes in the marketplace near your father's church in hamlet , North Carolina- witness to this love in this calm fallow of these minds, there is no substitute for... DEAR JOHN, DEAR COLTRANE by Michael S. Harper.
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