People, Locations, Episodes

Mon, 07.13.1863

Black History and the New York Draft Riots, a story

On this date in 1863, the New York Draft Riots occurred. This has been described as Four Days Of Terror centered on racism over the Civil War.

Lincoln had freed the slaves and now he was recruiting Northern men into the army and forcing them to fight and die to make his proclamation a reality. As a result, many white workers in the North reasoned that free Blacks would be competing for their jobs. The unfair draft laws caused deep resentment throughout the North, and in the summer of 1863, protests and outbreaks of violence were common in virtually every Northern state.

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Thu, 07.16.1863

The Battle of Honey Springs Occurs

*The Battle of Honey Springs, also known as the Affair at Elk Creek, occurred on this date in 1863 during the American Civil War. This was a significant victory for Union forces in gaining control of the Indian Territory. It was the most crucial confrontation between Union and Confederate forces, eventually becoming Oklahoma. In the battle, […]

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Sat, 07.18.1863

The First Black Man Receives The Congressional Medal of Honor

On this date in 1863, the first Black soldier received America’s Congressional Medal of Honor.

Sergeant William H. Carney was the recipient because of his bravery in action during the Civil War. Carney, a member of the 54th Massachusetts Colored infantry, was wounded twice during the charge on Fort Wagner, S.C., while rescuing the Union Flag.

After making it through the barrage of bullets and delivering the flag he shouted, “The Old Flag never touched the ground.”

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Mon, 07.20.1863

Miscegenation, and Racial Intimacy in America, a story

On this date, the African American Registry discusses miscegantion.

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Fri, 08.28.1863

The 14th United States Colored Heavy Artillery Regiment is Formed

*The 14th United States Colored Heavy Artillery Regiment was formed on this date in 1863. They were a Black artillery regiment that served in the Union Army through the U.S. Department of War’s Bureau of Colored Troops during the American Civil War. The 14th Rhode Island Heavy Artillery (Colored) was organized in Providence, Rhode Island, and mustered for […]

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Tue, 09.22.1863

The 8th United States Colored Infantry is Formed

*On this date in 1863, the 8th United States Colored Infantry was formed.  This infantry regiment was composed of Black enlisted men that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. The regiment was commanded by white officers and was authorized by the Bureau of Colored Troops. The 8th U.S. Colored Infantry was organized […]

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Sat, 09.26.1863

The 7th Regiment Colored Infantry is Formed

*On this date in 1863, the 7th Regiment Colored Infantry of the Union Army began American Civil War service.

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Sat, 09.26.1863

The 7th United States Colored Infantry is formed

*On this date, in 1863, the 7th United States Colored Infantry was formed. This an infantry regiment that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. The regiment was composed of African American enlisted men commanded by white officers. It was authorized by the Bureau of Colored Troops, which the United States War […]

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Wed, 12.02.1863

A Black Slave Finishes the ‘White House’ Dome

*On this date in 1863, “Freedom,” the statue on top of the dome of the U. S. Capitol, was put in place permanently.

The Man responsible for this architectural feat was Philip Reid, a Black man. Reid was a slave at the Bladensburg (Maryland) Foundry when he supervised the bronze casting of the statue. The story of the building of the nation’s capital began in 1856. At that time Thomas Crawford completed the full -size plaster model of Freedom at his studio in Rome, Italy. When cast in bronze, it was intended to stand atop the Dome of the United States Capitol.

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Mon, 12.07.1863

The 62nd Regiment of U.S. Colored Troops Formed

*On December 7–14, 1863, the 62nd Regiment of U.S. Colored Troops was organized.  They were a Black infantry regiment in the Union Army during the American Civil War.  It was re-designated from the First Missouri Regiment of Colored Infantry.  The Regiment was organized at Benton Barracks in St. Louis, Missouri, December 7–14, 1863, attached to the District of St. Louis, Mo., to January 1864. The designation changed to 62nd Regiment United […]

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Fri, 01.08.1864

The 5th Regiment Massachusetts Colored Volunteer Cavalry is Formed.

*On this date in 1864, The 5th Regiment Massachusetts Colored Volunteer Cavalry was formed. This was a cavalry regiment from Massachusetts that served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. The regiment was organized at Camp Meigs, Readville. From May 12, 1864, it served dismounted and equipped as infantry until the end of […]

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Sat, 01.16.1864

Race-Based Land Redistribution in America, a story

*On this date in 1865, land redistribution based on race in America is written about.  Since emancipation, there are numerous accounts of seized homes and land belonging to Blacks that whites have taken in America.   This also followed the white colonial Headright Property System practiced during American slavery. For generations, since the 18th century, Black […]

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Wed, 02.24.1864

The First Black Woman In America Graduates with a Medical Degree

*On this date in 1864 the first Black woman attained a Medical Degree.

Rebecca Lee Crumpler graduated from the New England Female Medical College on this date. Crumpler worked from 1852-1860 as a nurse in Massachusetts.

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Tue, 03.08.1864

The 29th Connecticut Colored Infantry Regiment is Formed

*The 29th Connecticut Colored Infantry Regiment was organized on this date in 1864.  This infantry regiment served in the Union Army during the American Civil War. The 29th Connecticut Colored Infantry Regiment was organized at Fair Haven, Connecticut, and mustered under the command of Colonel William B. Wooster. Over 1,200 volunteers were recruited, exceeding the […]

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Tue, 04.12.1864

The Fort Pillow Massacre Occurs

This date marks the anniversary of the Fort Pillow Massacre in 1864. The Fort Pillow Massacre occurred during the American Civil War.

The action stemmed from Southern outrage at the North’s use of Black soldiers. From the beginning of hostilities, the Confederate leadership was faced with the question of whether to treat Black soldiers captured in battle as slaves in insurrection or, as the Union insisted, as prisoners of war. This conflict happened at Fort Pillow on the Mississippi River in Henning, Tennessee.

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Black is what the prisons are, The stagnant vortex of the hours Swept into totality, Creeping in the perjured heart, Bitter in the vulgar rhyme, Bitter on the walls; Black is where the devils... THE AFRICAN AFFAIR by Bruce M. Wright.
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